Saturday 14 April 2012


17 March 2012 6:21PM
I would like to nominate Carole Jahme's Worth their Weight in Blood, available from Amazon , independently published by Mira Publishers and available on the web and as an e-book. This is the most extraordinary work, fusing sci-fi, Darwinian science, Gothic horror and small-town low-life. It is surreal, futuristic nightmare about the attempt to escape from the squalor of the actual into a "utopian" (but actually dystopian) world ruled by vampires. It is a scabrous, hilarious, satirical in the extreme and I could not stop reading it for 3 days on end. Please read this, you must treat yourself to it.

17 March 2012 9:34PM
Carole Jahme's incredible fusion of evolutionary biological theory and warm blood stained vampire themes is a truly captivating read. "Worth Their Weight in Blood" challenges us with colorful twists and turns based on solid scientific theory counterbalanced with equal measures of pure fantasy. I just loved how the novel left me pondering great ape evolution and human psychology concepts as much as it evoked irrational Nosferatu-esque fears.
Check it out at
18 March 2012 12:40AM
I'd like to second (or third) Carole Jahme's book "Worth their Weight in Blood". Definitely weird and compelling. I like books with a biological science edge and this one has brought in some theory to launch us into its own fantasy/nightmare world. It's well written and destined, I suspect, for some sort of cult status if it remains little known for long enough....

19 March 2012 11:45AM
Author: Carole Jahme
Title: Worth their weight in Blood
Book synopsis on:
This book is essentially a sci-fi thriller but has a lot of philosophical concepts too. It portrays vampires (weirdly) as in intellectual and rational creatures in the quest to rid the world of the HIV disease.
I'd say this book is as much weird as it is unconventional. Without giving too much away, the irony is that for once the vampires become the hunted rather than the hunters. It depicting a pessimistic view of human nature instead of the usually evil nature of vampires, especially as the vampires as seen to be trying to save the human race of the AIDS disease.
EXCELLENT READ. Get it now on MiraIntelligentRead for the ultimate (weird) experience.
19 March 2012 5:48AM
Worth Their Weight in Blood’ by Carole Jahme is a real addition to science fiction. It stretches the imagination beyond any limit in such an elegant language. Rich in knowledge, passion and horror.
More about it at
or at Amazon

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